Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Memorable vacations!

I've gone on some memorable vacations in my life that will stand out in my life and my memory probably forever! When I was a child, my family went to Washington DC and a few other places along the way on that trip. I loved seeing so many of our nation's monuments! I probably wasn't even a teenager yet. That I can't remember. My husband would love to see Washington DC sometime and I would love to see it again! I would love to see the things I saw that time and some things I didn't see!
The summer before I went into high school, my family went to see Niagra Falls! It was on the Canadian side. I wouldn't mind seeing that again either.
A couple years ago, we took my husband to Ohio to show him where I lived until I was almost 16. We loved the time up there and we also got to see some Amish country--including a Wal Mart that caters to the Amish! On that trip, we also got to show David where my grandparents grew up in the West Virginia/Pennsylvania area--along the state line!

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